Per Brilioth
Managing Director and board member
Professional and educational background
Born 1969.
Managing Director and member of the board of directors since 2007.
A Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Stockholm University and a Master of Finance from London Business School.
Other current assignments
Chairman of the board of Pet Sounds AB, Pet Sounds Digitalt AB, Telegram Studios AB, Gavald Holdings AB, Pomegranate Investment AB (publ), Thunderroad AB and Vera L AB; and member of the board of VEF AB (publ), Kontakt East Holding AB, Cow-Pow Studios AB, NMS Invest AB and Voi Technology AB.
Björn von Sivers
Senior Investment Director & CFO
Professional and educational background
Born in 1988.
Senior Investment Director & CFO since 2023. Investment Manager and Head of Investor Relations 2012-2023.
Bachelor in Economics from Lund University and Master in Finance from University of Edinburgh Business School.
Other current assignments
Member of the board of Kontakt East Holding AB, Breadfast Inc. and Pet Media Group International AB.
Elise Klackenberg
General Counsel
Professional and educational background
Born 1993.
General Counsel since 2023. Legal Counsel 2022-2023.
LL.M. from Lund University and Business Administration studies at UC Berkeley.
Boards of directors
Tom Dinkelspiel
Chairman, Audit and Compensation Committee member
Professional and educational background
Born 1967.
Board Member and Chairman of the board of directors since 2023.
Studies at Stockholm School of Economics
Other current assignments
Chairman, Nordnet AB (publ); Chairman, E. Öhman J:or Aktiebolag.
Josh Blachman
Board member, Audit Committee member
Professional and educational background
Born 1974.
Member of the board of directors since 2013.
MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business, MS in Industrial Engineering from Stanford University and BS in Industrial Engineering from Stanford University.
Other current assignments
Founder and Managing Director of Atlas Peak Capital.
Per Brilioth
Managing Director and board member
Professional and educational background
Born 1969.
Managing Director and member of the board of directors since 2007.
A Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Stockholm University and a Master of Finance from London Business School.
Other current assignments
Chairman of the board of Pomegranate Investment AB, Pet Sounds AB, Pet Sounds Digitalt AB, Telegram Studios AB, Gavald Holdings AB, Pomegranate Investment AB (publ), Thunderroad AB and Vera L AB; and member of the board of Vostok Emerging Finance Ltd, Kontakt East Holding AB, Cow-Pow Studios AB, NMS Invest AB and Voi Technology AB.
Kelly Merryman Hoogstraten
Board member
Professional and educational background
Born 1976.
Member of the board of directors since 2023.
BBA in Finance and Business Honors from the University of Texas at Austin’s McCombs School of Business and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
Other current assignments
CEO, The WONDER Project; Non-Executive Director, ROKA Sports; Member of the Board, CoachArt and New Classrooms.
Therese Angel
Board member, Compensation Committee member, Audit Committe member
Professional and educational background
Born 1983.
Member of the board of directors since 2024.
Bachelor of Business Administration from Parsons School of Design in New York and Paris.
Other current assignments
Therese Angel is an investment professional with expertise in digital growth, particularly within the Consumer segment, with several years of experience in positions for companies such as eEquity, eBay and McKinsey & Company. Currently, she holds the position of Venture Partner at Verlinvest. Between 2021 and 2023, she advised VNV and co-invested with VNV within the scope of VNV’s scout program.
Keith Richman
Board member, Compensation Committee member
Professional and educational background
Born 1973.
Member of the board of directors since 2013.
MA in International Policy and a BA in the International Relations from Stanford University.
Other current assignments
Keith Richman is currently CEO of Boosted Commerce.
Bo Karlsson
PricewaterhouseCoopers AB
Professional and educational background
Born 1966.
Authorised public accountant. Auditor in the Company since 2022. PricewaterhouseCoopers AB, Gothenburg, Sweden.